Saturday, August 1, 2009

foock shocks

i still got some shock in here = =' d chinese here especially guys are like..racist like shit. no offense but in matrix pahang i manage to find few gud frens which are chinese! in sabah,none! oni girls are less racist! wtf am i tawkin about man.. i bought a broadband. its nice. but iam pretty worry if i get too carried away wif it = =' i want do assignment oso cant! it should be can do assignment but it turnt out to be cant! after i got my broadband = =' it shud be easier for me to do assignment wif d existence of d internet = =' fcuk


  1. then find a girl friend there lo...
    ha ha!
    yen is thr wat...

  2. deng! i die ar if yen see ur msg XP
